About Us

Hey mama! Welcome to Guided Motherhood, the virtual hangout for all you superhero moms trying to keep it together through the glorious chaos of pregnancy and motherhood. This blog was started with the goal of keeping motherhood simple and stress free. 

I’m Amanda, the brains (and the messy hair) behind this blog, and I’m stoked that you stumbled upon this corner of the internet. Why did I start this? Well, besides the fact that binge-watching Netflix was starting to feel like an unproductive hobby, I figured, why not create a space for us moms to connect? Because let’s face it, parenting is like assembling IKEA furniture without the manual – frustrating, confusing, and often involves at least one meltdown.

Being a mom myself, I get it. No mom should attempt this wild rollercoaster ride solo. Guided Motherhood is here to be your virtual BFF, your confidante in the chaos, your partner in crime against sleepless nights.

Now, I’m not a parenting expert; I just play one on the internet. This blog is my way of saying, “Hey, we’re all in this together, and if I can do it, you definitely can.” Think of me as your pregnancy wing-woman, armed with tips, hacks, and the occasional sarcastic remark because let’s be real, laughter is the secret sauce that keeps us sane.

This isn’t your typical fancy-pants website with words you need a dictionary for. No PhD in Momology required here. I’ve got the 411 on all things pregnancy and motherhood, served with a side of humor. And just to be clear, while I may drop some knowledge bombs, I’m NOT a doctor. If you’ve got serious health concerns, consult someone with a degree hanging on their wall.

Whether you’re rocking a baby bump or you’re knee-deep in diapers, Guided Motherhood has got your back. We’ve got parenting tips that are more practical than attempting to fold a fitted sheet and DIY projects that even the craft-challenged can master.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if you’ve got a tiny human brewing inside), kick back, and explore. My wish? That you find something useful, have a good laugh, and come back for more. Let’s tackle this parenting thing head-on, one caffeine-fueled day at a time.

Welcome to GuidedMotherhood, where every mom is heard, supported, guided, and, most importantly, not judged for wearing yesterday’s socks. I do hope you stick around, because we’re in this messy adventure together, and I promise it’s gonna be one heck of a ride!

Let’s get social!